Gorgeous Peridot Stone Jewelry

There is something mysterious and romantic about the 16th anniversary stone Peridot;

  • it’s gorgeous olive green color which you can almost see flecks of gold in,
  • the stories from Ancient Egypt and the Romans it could tell,

The Romans used to call it the Emerald of the evening

  • It might be because Napoleon once made a gift of Peridot to Josephine as a symbol of undying love and admiration.
  • Plus it is also the stone of lightness and beauty.
  • For all of these reasons, and many more, Peridot makes a truly beautiful gift for your 16th wedding anniversary.

Check out the gorgeous, handcrafted Peridot jewelry at novica.com

And also the Peridot Anniversary gifts at Amazon

Anniversary Adventures With Your Peridot Stone

peridot anniversary stone

If you wanted to include a vacation in your 16th anniversary celebrations why not go to the origins of Peridot? There really is a lot of choice for the most amazing adventures.

The ancient Egyptians mined their Peridot from Zabargad, an island in the Red Sea owned now by Egypt.

Other countries where you can find Peridot are;  Afghanistan, Australia Brazil, China, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Norway, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and USA – Arkansas, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada and New Mexico.

Although Peridot is a stone that has been gifted for thousands of years new deposits in Karachi, Pakistan have been found as recently as the 1990s. This makes Peridot a truly modern stone too. The quality of the Karachi Peridot is stunning and using modern gemstone cutting techniques has meant very modern designs too.

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